






1 本件は,被上告人の株主である上告人らが,被上告人に対し,平成26年5月26日に開催された被上告人の臨時株主総会における上告人らを取締役から解任する旨の議案を否決する株主総会決議(「本件否決決議」)について,会社法831条1項1号に基づき,その取消しを請求する事案である。本件否決決議の取消しを請求する本件訴えが適法であるか否かが争われている。

2 所論は,本件否決決議が取り消されれば,別途上告人らに対して提起されている会社法854条所定の役員の解任の訴えが不適法として却下されることとなるから,本件訴えは適法であるというのである。



4 以上によれば,本件否決決議の取消しを請求する本件訴えは不適法であって,これを却下した原判決は,正当として是認することができる。論旨は採用することができない。

"The Company Law provides various provisions concerning lawsuits related to the organization of a company (Article 828 and subsequent of the same law). It also stipulates that resolutions of shareholders' meetings with defects can be requested for cancellation by lawsuit only within three months from the date of the resolution, aiming for the early stabilization of legal relations (Article 831 of the same law). In addition, it also defines the range of defendants in the said lawsuit, the effect of a judgment of acceptance, and the effect of a judgment (from Article 834 to Article 839 of the same law). Such provisions are based on the premise that a new legal relationship arises due to the resolution of the shareholders' meeting.

However, in general, a new legal relationship does not arise from a resolution of a shareholders' meeting, etc., that rejects a certain proposal, nor does a new legal relationship arise by canceling the said resolution. Therefore, it is appropriate to understand that a lawsuit requesting the cancellation of a resolution of a shareholders' meeting, etc., that rejects a certain proposal is illegal. This is no different even if the said proposal was to dismiss an officer."
