






1 本件は,被上告人らが,上告人に対して損害賠償を命じた米国カリフォルニア州の裁判所の判決について,民事執行法24条に基づいて提起した執行判決を求める訴えである。

2 原審の適法に確定した事実関係の概要は,次のとおりである。




3 原審は,上記事実関係の下において,要旨次のとおり判断し,本件外国判決のうち上告人に対して14万0635.54米国ドル及びこれに対する本件外国判決の言渡し日の翌日である平成27年3月21日から支払済みまでの利息の支払を命じた部分についての執行判決を求める被上告人らの請求を認容した。

4 しかしながら,原審の上記判断は是認することができない。その理由は,次のとおりである。


5 以上と異なる原審の判断には,判決に影響を及ぼすことが明らかな法令の違反がある。論旨は理由があり,原判決中,主文第1項及び第2項は破棄を免れない。そして,以上に説示したところによれば,本件外国判決のうち5万0635.54米国ドル及びこれに対する平成27年3月21日から支払済みまで年10%の割合による利息の支払を命じた部分について執行判決を求める限度で被上告人らの請求を認容した第1審判決は正当であるから,被上告人らの控訴を棄却すべきである。

第2 上告人の民訴法260条2項の裁判を求める申立てについて


In a foreign court judgment that includes a section ordering the payment of punitive damages (the "punitive damages section") that does not meet the requirements of Article 118, Paragraph 3 of the Civil Procedure Law, even if the obligation pertaining to that judgment is fulfilled, even if that fulfillment is carried out through the foreign court's compulsory enforcement procedure, it should not be possible to enforce that judgment as pertaining to the punitive damages section.

This is because, in the mentioned situation, the punitive damages section does not have legal effect in our country. Given this, when judging the efficacy of the aforementioned fulfillment, one cannot consider that the obligation concerning the punitive damages exists. Consequently, it should be determined that the said fulfillment does not pertain to the obligation concerning the punitive damages. There is no reason to differentiate this, even if the said fulfillment was carried out through the foreign court's compulsory enforcement procedure.

According to the aforementioned facts, the fulfillment in this case was made in relation to the obligation pertaining to the foreign judgment in this case, through the compulsory enforcement procedure of the foreign court. However, the punitive damages section in this case was ordered for payment as punitive damages stipulated by the California Civil Code for the purposes of deterrence and sanctions. It should be determined that it does not meet the requirements of Article 118, Paragraph 3 of the Civil Procedure Law. Thus, it is not possible to enforce the foreign judgment in this case as if the fulfillment pertained to the punitive damages section.

Furthermore, excluding the punitive damages section from the foreign judgment in this case, the remaining parts are acknowledged to meet the requirements listed in the said article. Therefore, concerning the foreign judgment in this case, it should be determined that the obligation pertaining to the parts excluding the punitive damages section of the foreign judgment has been extinguished up to the amount of the fulfillment. The remaining amount, which is 50,635.54 US dollars and the interest on this amount, should be ordered for payment through enforcement.


Japan's Supreme Court's stance on not recognizing punitive damages at all is a reflection of the country's legal and cultural philosophy. Punitive damages, as recognized in some jurisdictions like the U.S., are designed to punish the defendant for particularly egregious wrongdoing and deter future misconduct. However, in Japan, the primary focus of damages is compensation rather than punishment.

There are both pros and cons to this approach:


Predictability: Without punitive damages, businesses and individuals have a clearer understanding of their potential liabilities, leading to a more predictable legal environment.
Avoiding Excessive Awards: One of the criticisms of punitive damages, especially in the U.S., is that they can sometimes lead to disproportionately large awards that might unduly burden defendants and result in "lottery-like" outcomes.
Focus on Actual Harm: By concentrating solely on compensatory damages, the legal system ensures that victims are adequately compensated for their actual losses.

Limited Deterrence: Without the threat of punitive damages, there might be limited deterrence for entities to avoid engaging in particularly egregious misconduct, especially if the financial gain outweighs the compensatory damages they might have to pay.
Potential for Unchecked Misconduct: Especially in cases where the actual harm to individual victims is minimal but the overall societal impact is significant, the lack of punitive damages might allow some entities to continue harmful practices without significant financial consequences.
In conclusion, Japan's approach to punitive damages reflects its legal tradition and societal values. While there are merits to this system, there are also potential drawbacks. Like all legal decisions, it's a balance of societal needs, economic considerations, and cultural values.

